Valerie Kelso is known as the woman with a big heart. From a young girl, she knew she was born to make a difference. Her mother and father taught her the art of selflessness and loving others unconditionally. Her parents are from the island of Jamaica. Valerie and her 12 siblings were born in England. In 2011 she moved from England to Fort Worth, Texas. Valerie, who had severe lower back and shoulder pain realized that if physical pain could be healed, then emotional pain through love and touch can also be healed. Valerie’s passion stems from her own demons of domestic violence, bullying, teen pregnancy, and low self-esteem issues. Her goal is to reach out to hurting women and teen girls. Valerie knows that if you have had any trauma in your life and you do not get the healing the body requires, it breaks down the immune system and cancer cells can be ignited.